Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This is a good crunchy cookie but mostly it is just fun! You can halve up the dough for a young un to "play" too!

6 cups oats
3 c brown sugar
3 c butter or margarine
3 c all purpose flour
1 tbsp baking soda

Mash with your hands, it may look impossible but it WILL make dough! WARNING: This makes a LOT of cookies!

Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes (you might wanna check times on the first batch!)

Also a great alternative to strangling people, or maybe that is just me. Whatever!


Burfica said...

Well do yu cook them????

Domestic_K said...

Nope you just play in it then eat the dough raw!

Yeah, I added the cook temp and time! DOH!